Generate Key Hash Android Facebook Windows 10

May 23, 2019 Adding key hash in Facebook developers console is mandatory and if you want to use the Facebook Login in your android mobile application then you have to add the key hash. In this tutorial we would Generate Release key hash for Facebook Login in Android devices. We would generate the key has in our windows system. Apr 10, 2020  I used following steps to generate a Key Hash for my app in facebook: (I am using Mac OSX 10.8) First open a terminal (open a command prompt in windows). Navigate in the terminal to the directory where your Android debug.keystore is stored.

  1. Generate Hash Online
  2. Generate Md5 Hash Windows 10
  3. Windows 10 Hash Check
  4. Generate Key Hash Android Facebook Windows 10 Free

Facebook uses the key hash to authenticate interactions between your app and the Facebook app. /song-list-generator-508-license-key.html. If you run apps that use Facebook Login, you need to add your Android development key hash to your Facebook developer profile. For the version of your app that you release to you also need to generate and set a Release Key Hash. Nov 23, 2018 There are a couple of ways to generate this: A) Faster way: Open Android Studio. Open your Project. Click on Gradle (From Right Side Panel, you will see Gradle Bar) Click on Refresh (Click on Refresh from Gradle Bar, you will see List Gradle scripts of your Project) Click on Your Project (Your Project Name from List (root)). Oct 08, 2018 how to get key hashes for facebook integration in android studio for windows. Like share and comment your queries and dont forgot to subscribe Mickey Thank YOu. Tut3 How to generate facebook. Update Android Key Hash for Facebook Login The Key Hash for your Android app with Shopgate is generated in your Shopgate Admin. If you haven't configured your Facebook Login, click here to get started. Now a hash key will be generated Finally go to the Facebook Developer site. Make sure you are logged into Facebook and, using the dropdown menu in the top-right, go to your 'Developer Settings': Once you're in your developer settings, select 'Sample App' from the navigation on the left, and add and save your key hash into your profile.

I’m trying to obtain the key hash for integrating facebook into my Android app. But all over the net I can’t find the way to do it on MAC OS X, only for Windows.

If someone could light me with the proper way to obtain the key hash I’d really appreciate it.

Thank you!

How to&Answers:

Sorry, what key tool?

Generate Hash Online

If you want to generate a Facebook App ID/Key, go to and create a Facebook app.

If you want the keytool that you can use to create certificates etc, that is included in the jre.

Explanation for how to deal with the keys and hash here:


I used following steps to generate a Key Hash for my app in facebook: (I am using Mac OSX 10.8)

  1. First open a terminal (open a command prompt in windows).
  2. Navigate in the terminal to the directory where your Android debug.keystore is stored.
  3. Mostly it will located under “/Users/user_name/.android/” (In Windows will be C:Documents and
  4. Once you are in the “.android” directory, run the following command.

    keytool -exportcert -alias androiddebugkey -keystore debug.keystore openssl sha1 -binary openssl base64

  5. When it prompts you for a password, type android and hit Enter

  6. Copy the value printed in the terminal that ends with an “=” and
    paste it in the Key Hash field in Facebook. Then click the Save
    Changes button.

Reference: Integrate Facebook logins in your Android app


Please follow below steps to find debug.keystore and generate key hash for android development at mac.

  1. Open terminal

  2. Type cd ~/.android and hit enter to go to .android directory

  3. If you want to open .android directory in finder, type open . and hit enter. Then .android directory will be opened in finder where you can find debug.keystore. If you do not want to open .android directory and only want to generate key hash, then skip this point and follow #4.

  4. In terminal where you are already in .android directory type

    keytool -exportcert -alias alias_name -keystore sample_keystore.keystore openssl sha1 -binary openssl base64

    and hit enter.

  5. You are asked for password. Enter android as password and hit enter. Then you get key hash ending with “=”

  6. Copy key hash,enter in your facebook app setting page and save changes.


Generate hash online

Never did it on Mac before, but here are some advices:

1.You need OpenSSL. Install it. In Windows I just extract zip file, then copy three file include openssl.exe in bin folder to jdk’s bin folder (where keytool is), don’t know how it work on Mac.

Generate Md5 Hash Windows 10

2.Copy file keystore what you want to get key hash to jdk’s bin folder. My keystore is debug.keystore (because I’m still in test, I don’t want to use the main keystore).

3.Using command line to go to jdk’s bin folder (In Windows, I just Run -> cmd -> type cd %JAVA_HOME%)

4.Type this command:
keytool -exportcert -alias alias_name -keystore sample_keystore.keystore openssl sha1 -binary openssl base64

In my case (debug.keystore):
keytool -exportcert -alias androiddebugkey -keystore debug.keystore openssl sha1 -binary openssl base64
then enter password for debug.keystore: android/key-generator-sims-4-no-survey.html. (without password, the key hash’s still generated and the same as with password, don’t know why).

You’ll get some string with “=” character at the end. Go to your app setting -> mobile -> fill that key hash (include “=”) to Android key hash.


(honestly, not an answer, just a note for all visitors having this or similar trouble)

Windows 10 Hash Check

There is a way to obtain a key hash without JDK and OpenSSL by using pure Java utility android-fb-keytool. You can checkout and build source code.

Generate Key Hash Android Facebook Windows 10 Free

Tags: androidandroid, facebook, hash